uploads/logic bomb.jpg

logic bomb 【計算機】邏輯炸彈〔指隱藏在電腦程序中的病毒〕。

logic core

Computer viruses act like biologics in the way they can be set off : they can be virulent from the outset of the infection or they can be activated by a specific event ( logic bomb ) 計算機病毒的傳播行為與生物病毒極其相似:它們可能從開始感染時就是致命的,可以被某些特定的事件所引發(邏輯炸彈) 。

There are three most commonly encountered malicious programs - computer viruses , trojan horses and logic bombs 最常見的三種惡意程式為電腦病毒、特洛伊木馬和邏輯炸彈。